Tuesday, March 2, 2010

majority rule?

We just finished our unit on the Articles of Confederation and the writing of the Constitution. As we read the publications of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists on the merits and dangers of the new Constitution, it gave me a clearer understanding as to why American democracy seems to be ineffective in the 21st century. I believe both parties—Democrat and Republican have strayed from the fundamental ideas James Madison and the founding fathers put forth as they crafted the Constitution. It seems that we believe that in a democracy that can be characterized by the phrase “the majority rules”. By that standard, the winning party feels it has “mandate” to implement its platform, because it is what the “majority has willed”. However, that was never what our founding fathers meant to happen. James Madison once said that “majoritarian tyranny was the worst form of tyranny”. He feared that the will of the majority—if unchecked, would trample on the liberty of the minority. For that reason he claimed that our democracy should be centered around “majority rules, but with minority rights”. What does that mean? I believe that Madison felt that the majority should rule, but that power required the majority to consider the views of the minority. That ideal made American democracy unique. American democracy demands that we compromise and try to build consensus in order to insure all people are heard. Is that form of democracy being reflected in our local, state, and national governments? I think not. Consider the Wake County school board. Five newly elected members now hold a slim majority. They feel it is their right to do what their constituents want—dismantle diversity policies, reduce busing, and commit our county to neighborhood schools that will surely result in resegregation. This may be “the will of the majority”, but it clearly doesn’t take the views of the minority into consideration. On the national level, many Republicans feel that Obama is trying to “ram the ideas of the liberal Democrats down the throats of the nation”. They claim they are being left out of the discussion on major legislation. This, too, might be seen as “majoritarian tyranny". In Federalist #51, James Madison stated that “if men were angels” we would not need any government. But it is precisely the fact that democracy is made up of men—men who by nature are flawed—that we need to practice compromise. Compromise requires all people to value and respect each other. Compromise insures that government will reflect the will of all people. Compromise and consensus will result in a government that will pursue the “common good” rather than the promoting the selfish interests of the individual. That is the type of democracy that our founding fathers wanted for America. John Kennedy summarized that ideal with his modern-day request, “ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what can you do for your country.” If American democracy is going to get back on track, we must put aside petty jealousies and personal pursuits and join together to make us a “great society”, a nation that will stand for justice, equality, freedom, and opportunity for all; not just the “majority”—whatever that might mean.


CoachB said...

this stinks

CoachB said...

are you kiddding

Claire said...

I agree entirely with George Washington's statement in his farewell address, that a two-party system is dangerous for our country. Bias is going to happen regardless of who is in power, the winner's going to be the winner and assume they deserve the right to say and do whatever they want, and they're going to assume things about the other party without doing their research. People are lazy by nature and just want to listen to other people, and by this same reason they're too lazy - or proud - to compromise. I think at this point it's inevitable.

Giggles said...

I believe that our country is derailing from what democracy was suposed to mean and yes it has a lot to do with one party winnig and going by "majority rule" and not considering the minorities opinions but people need to stop being lazy and get off their butts and take part in what's going on and need to stop being told what to think. Because if they are not participating they are letting things they don't want to happen happen and then are complaining like crazy about somthing they could of had more control over. Along side of the average person not taking part the people they are voting to represent them need to stop acting like 2 year olds. They need to grow up and be responsible adults, stop playing tug of war for power and compromise for the commmon good.

Jessica said...

I agree with Claire when she said that people are too proud to compromise. In politics politicians are so absorbed in what is best for them or what is best for their state that they don't learn to compromise. If our founding fathers could see the way officials are taking advantage of their majority position in government. I agree with Mr. Brown that the position that the Wake County School Board is taking could be called Tyranny. Like Claire said, these people are too lazy to listen to the opinions of the people they are granted the right to rule. I agree with lair; they are assuming the opinions of the minority party or, if they know their viewpoints, are ignoring them in favor of their own goals. Sadly, this is a pattern evident in many majority political parties today and is something that only a good heart can fix. The real question is, when will a good heart come into politics? When representatives of our country can learn to compromise and work WITH each other instead of AGAINST each other, the country will finally live up to the expectations of our founding fathers.

Casya said...

I think the majority rule, minority rights is not a very good thing to have. Sometimes the majority is really one person and everyone else is just agreeing because they cannot think on their own. The minority might have the best solution but, no one is really listening. I also feel that if more people actually get involved with major issues there would be a better solution because there would be more ideas floating around. The Wake County School Board System is a great example of this issue. A lot of people are upset about what they have been doing. However, it was a very small turnout to vote for these members. If more people came out to vote, maybe their would have been a different outcome in this situation

Mosleyv said...

I think that the Majority parties, whether that being democrats or Rebuplicans, are leaving the idea of compromise almost completly based on how our govenment has acted in the past few years. It shows that,whichever party the majority is within, have decided to completly ignore the other side only becuase of the different views they may have on the subject, and thats not right for our type of government.If we wanted our government to not show any compromise and do whatever they really wanted, we wouldnt have wanted a democracy in the first place and I think the way they are acting is tainting democracy in the United States.

Missy said...

I agree with what Claire and Jessica have said about people being to proud to compromise. This is our main problem with politics. Neither party wants to accept the others opinions on how to handle situations. Because they dont want to be wrong. Both major parties have looked passed what James Madison had said about majority rule, minority rights. The party that is in office gets power hungry and wants things to be their way only. And this is where no decisions are made. If our goverment is going to fix their problems. Then they are going to have to learn how to work with each other and compromise. Instead of againest and constantly butting heads.

Bright Pink Bookmark said...

I think that majority rule with minority rights is fair to a certain extent. With the wake county school board people are going crazy about what there doing. But who voted them to office in the first place? The people need to start being more involved in whats going on and vote more. If a party has the majority then they should listen to what the other party is saying but the people voted for the majority party. Even if the majority party views are wrong they still hold the majority. Both Republicans and democrats are ignoring the other party once they reach power. I know this sounds like a broken record but we need to compromise.

Tycho said...

It's funny, I referenced ol' George's farewell address just a second ago, in the filibuster discussion, without knowing someone else (our good Clair) spoke of it here...

Anyhow, it is a good point, and is yet another example of why partisanship makes governing the very lives of nearly a billion of people into a competition. This subject hits home a little better, though, in terms of the whole 'partisanship is ruining our country' bit.

Unknown said...

No matter what the circumstances are, I believe everyone portrays the act of doing what’s best for them. And, I don't believe that’s ever going to change. What makes our country so unique is the different ideas and cultures that unite us. An effect of that is having the problem of not compromising due to those different ideas. Democrats and Republicans don't know how to compromise because they get so caught up in what THEY think is best for our country. In my opinion, it's all about who has the better ideas and how they are presented. That’s how they win the majority vote-or people just don’t care or aren’t informed. Our government doesn’t follow the whole “majority rules, but with minority rights” deal our founding fathers wanted to see happen…we’ve just become selfish. I agree with Claire with the whole statement that having a two party system democracy is dangerous. All you see is bickering and no compromising. What good is that doing for our country?

Casya said...

I agree with Mosleyv opinion that neither party is compromising. If the two parties really wanted to help the United States wouldn't they put their differences aside to actually HELP America? We have a democracy because we want thoughts heard to be shared and improve our country. The ideas shouldn't just be shot down because of where they came from.

Colleen said...

I don't think that the "majority rule, minority right" ideal is really working out for either party. I think instead of having only one side get what they want, that compromise should be reached so that everyone gets at least a little bit of what they want. Of course, this might not always be possible and that's why resulting with the majority is easier than coming up with a compromise every time there is a disagreement, but when the minority is left out, their voice isn't being heard and isn't that what government's all about? That minority is still very much a part of our nation and they deserve their influence and say so just as much as the minority does.

Vivian said...

I think that the majority rule is wrong. The majority does not always take into consideration everyone else. I also think that decisions should be based on the "common good" because when one group gets the majority then they misuse their power. Our founding fathers wanted our country to be united and that's what we should strive to be.

Vivian said...

I think that going by majority rule is not always right. When some groups have the majority they sometimes misuse their power. I agree that everyone should come to a compromise so that we do have the "common good". Instead of rejecting everything that the opposite party says they should actually listen in order to come to that compromise. The founding fathers wanted America to be united and that is what we should strive to be.

Vivian said...

I agree with Claire when she says that there is bias. No one wants to look into what the other party is saying. They automatically jump to conclusions and decide that what they are saying is wrong. When they do this it influences everyone else who are in the party to do so just like kids believing what they're parents believe. I also agree with Casya when she says we should try to help each other because we are all one country and should try to be the best that we can. Which means taking in Everyone's viewpoint.

Dolphin said...

I think that the majority party is misinterpreting their standing in society. Just because they have the popular vote does not mean that what the other parties have to say is not important whatsoever. A democracy is all about the people. Since that is true, what good is it to only listen to some of them? We are all people no matter what side we are on & we all have something to say. Everyone's opinion, even the minority's, should be valued in a government that is for the people. Both the minority & the majority are made up of people. So what's the difference? The majority's opinion should not be the only thing that matters. As Madison said, "majority rules, but with minority rights". If this concept was better understood we would have a better balanced society.

Unknown said...

I agree that we need to have majority rule with minority rights in our government. I also agree with what James Madison said. If the majority rules and pays no attention to the minority view then I think that goes against democracy. If this happens then both parties will always be having an on going battle of who has the most power and just focusing on themselves. The current school board debate is a good example. For many years, previous school boards appear to have ignored concerns of many parents regarding the issue of busing. While this issue was debated no action was taken at all. In the last election a new majority was put into office. Now, the point of view is being discussed and previous majority is now a minority view on the board and they are feeling ignored.

carlosm said...

Ok i agree that in 2010 "majority rule" is what people are really think about, but i disagree that that should be how it is. I believe that if the people in government listened to each other and did what they thaught was right instead of wanting to be reelected then it would be for the best. If the republicans and democrats came to compromise and truly and honestly listened to eahc other than maybe politics would be less corrupt and more productive.

Unknown said...

I agree with what Colleen said. I don't think that compromise is being reached with either party and that they should focus on what each other wants. Majority parties just take the easy way out and ignore the other party to focus on themselves. I also think she made a good point in saying that even though the minority was'nt elected that they are still as much a part of our nation as the majority and they should have their say too.

#1DukeBoy said...

Majority rule is a double edge sword in the political game. Sometimes the majority is right and knows best for the country. Then at some points they can use their power for the advantage. Madison did say it best "majoritarian tyranny was the worst form of tyranny". If the majority keeps making their own decision and the minorities and peoples opinions are ignored, then i say democracy is gone and there is a dictatorship among the majority.

J_Daugherty19 said...

James Madison stated, "that if men were angels, we wouldn't need any government." He was very right on this comment, but how is it that the people being governed are more "angel-like" then the people running the government? Also compromise was the BASIS of democracy in are government, but the Republicans, and Democrats do the complete oppisite of this, and just want to be focused on which side is "winning." With this, none of the minority rights are being listened to, which this according to James Madison leads to majoritarian tyranny.

Unknown said...

I agree with Casya when she says that our thoughts and ideas should be shared. We are a democracy, but we sure don't act like it. Like Mr. Brown said in his blog, we need a nation that gives opportunities for everyone; not just the "majority". Everyone should contribute to make our nation better.

AshleyR said...

I think that it is human nature to be selfish, as many politicians are today. The Democrats and Republicans have to fight against their human nature and begin looking out for what is best for the country, not just what is best for them. When considering what is good for the nation, they need to keep "majority rules, minority rights" in mind so that one main group does not completely overshadow any other groups. I agree with Emily in that the Democrats and Republicans don't know how to compromise. But I do believe that compromise is possible, once people stop looking out for only themselves and begin to look out for others.

Bright Pink Bookmark said...

I agree with pretty much what everyone is saying. Emily is right saying that democrats and republicans dont know how to comprimise. Ashley is right saying that it is human nature to be selfesh and every one wants whats best for them. The Tea Party act thats going on is a great example of the people reacting to the democrats and republicans not getting along. I like that the Tea Party is just a bunch of people from everywhere that can comprimise. We need more of that in America.

Anonymous said...

Bright Pink Bookmark--I am not sure the Tea Party is an example of people compromising. They are another example of selfish peopleonly wanting what they want from America--with no regard for others different from them. Take a look at the ethnicity, gender, and age of this movement.

||bernie|| said...

I totally agree with carlosm. In general elections, the "majority" is just a bit more than the people that voted for the losing candidate. What does that mean? Well now in 2010, it means the people that voted for the losing candidate don't get what they wanted. This is not supposed to happen, but the two parties are so concentrated in getting more power that they forget it's about the people in the country. I know this has to change. There has to be someone in our generation to change to change it.

||bernie said...

I totally agree with carlosm. In general elections, the "majority" is just a bit more than the people that voted for the losing candidate. What does that mean? Well now in 2010, it means the people that voted for the losing candidate don't get what they wanted. This is not supposed to happen, but the two parties are so concentrated in getting more power that they forget it's about the people in the country. I know this has to change. There has to be someone in our generation to change to change it.

Alex Bondarev said...

>>> In Federalist #51, James Madison stated that “if men were angels” we would not need any government.

Nice ! I wish that this were true. ^^

What a great topic ! It's like if there hadn't been a right or wrong thing to do... ô.ô Well, I think that it can vary depending on the situation... Different people have different points of view. In one situation, the majority can indeed be more fair than minority... But then again, the presence of majority in a particular situation doesn't necessarily mean that whatever most people want is something right, or fair (for the whole nation in general), since, as Claire had said, nowadays we have people who are just too lazy to think and so, they, as CoachB says, "jump in the bandwagon" ^^ or follow what other people do.
With that definition of a democracy, I still don't see really well what it's about. There will still be those who think that they're right and others who think that they themselves are right and simply mark the other group as "wrong".
Because of that, minority can easily get overlooked...ô.ô

Alex Bondarev said...

...Everything is relative. What you think is right, the other person might not think of it the same way... Who really knows what's more just and best ?
The other thing is that people should want the best for the whole nation and not for only themselves, that way it seems that everyone wins... Communism, hey, hey ! ^^...Well, in any case, you can't stop everyone from being selfish. Besides, I find that most people of this century are naturally immoral... Now I've never lived then, but I think that some couple of centuries ago, when comfort wasn't the best, people were comformably more moral and therefore didn't have as much of this issue...Perhaps that is why democracy doesn't work as well nowadays... ?

kgroetz said...

I feel as if both parties have lost touch with what democracy truly means. Majority rules, minority rights seems like a good policy in theory, but consider the misinterpretations.
For example, the Republicans have been using the filibuster technique to effectively destroy the vast majority of all bills proposed by the Democratic majority. They argue that they have the right to do this, since "minorities must be considered". However, if you follow this philosophy, nothing will get done. The minorities must be considered, of course; but the majority is in power, they deserve to have some of their bills passed. They won, fair and square, and proved that their ideas would benefit most of America. In this manner, one would assume they have the right to enact those ideas via legislature.
However, the minority almost seems a little selfish; every idea that comes up, they shoot down, regardless of the compromises.
Take the healthcare bill, for example. People continue to refer to it as "Obamacare" and "Obama's plan". This is false. Obama and the Democrats allowed innumerable revisions by Republican legislators. In fact, Republican Mitt Romney came up with a plan solely for his state-and it was almost identical to the national one. Why would he be against a national plan so similar to one he crafted himself? I don't know. I feel as if the minority party believes that they have the right to dictate EVERYTHING in Congress, instead of simply asking for compromise. Enlighten me; how does this help America?

Anonymous said...

Majority rules are supposedly equal to minority rights, yet in our nation it does not seem to be that way. We do not compromise but fight on what we want and really never give others a chance. School,work, and life in general is all about selfishness and being the majority. This is making generation after generation copy their peers because "oh the majority are doing this which means I should do it too." Majority rules and minority rights should be put forth to more things in life to create a better society that is not dealt on winning versus losing. 

Shannon said...

I think that the "majority rule, minority right" is not effective for either party. The majority is always getting more of a say, than the minority. We need to compromise for the sake of the minority so that their voices will be heard. This deals with the Wake County School Board and how their going with the vote of the majority. They are not considering with what the minority may what, and whats best for us all. Letting the majority have the power, is taking away the opinions of the minority.

Claire said...

I'd have to disagree, kgroetz. Just because they got the majority, doesn't mean they proved their ideas would most benefit America. Maybe to some, getting nothing done is better than passing a bunch of bills that they don't believe in, or that they believe are wrong. And thinking that they won fair and square... it's not really about winning or losing, I don't think, which is why personally I like the idea of being nonpartisan. I've come up exactly in the middle of every test I've ever taken whether I'm a Republican or a Democrat, so I know I can't be in a majority unless I hop aboard someone else's bandwagon.. maybe that's how a lot of people in the majority are right now. From what I hear, also, it's not just the Republicans not compromising. I read up some about the health care bill, by the way, and found out that if people are already paying for health care, then they will have to pay double when and if this health care bill passes. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing wrong with universal health care, and yes everyone does deserve to be treated when they're sick, but that puts a lot of companies like Cigna who provide health care to people working for companies like IBM out of business which is essentially wrong in a capitalist economy like ours. The government shouldn't force everyone to pay for health care, because then it will turn into yet another government-run and funded program taking huge amounts of taxes, when it would be better to just correct the health care companies that we already have.

Brett N said...

I agree with Bernie. I understand that the minority party needs to be heard but also they are the minority. The minority still have rights to be heard but in the end more people are for the majority so they need to have the final say. Our founding fathers did indeed set up our government so minority can be heard but times have changed and also people have gotten smarter so we can predict were actions will take us. Usually the majority is right so that is why they need the final say. Also if the minority wants to be heard, they need to make a deal about it and state why so people will understand. The founding father, I believe, wanted people to make a big deal to be heard instead of just going to some meeting and talking for 5 minutes and then sitting down. The minority also should'nt filibuster cause then nothing will ever get done and like i said before that the majority is usually right.

Anonymous said...

Claire--the health bill has passed. No one knows how rates will be affected by the bill. The "fact" you stated was someone's opinion. Let's wait and see. Also--healthcare should be about people==not outrageous profits like Cigna and others make.

RyanC said...

I agree with Jessica; as long as there will be a majority party ruling the government, they will always lean towards a decision that they will benefit from. With the majority party making these decisions it certainly makes it more difficult for our country to act and work together. As Jessica said, politicians can be too proud to compromise. What is needed is for politicians with some decency, those who think highly of fairness and kindness, to step in with ideas that both sides can compromise with. However, fair and balanced is a hard thing to come by in politics; I'm uncertain whether or not those with good hearts could continue to rule fairly once they are part of the majority party. As long as majority party members will be influenced by the power they have access to, corruption will always be there.

Liberson said...

i believe that people arent being heard but its not really the people of the goverment's problem since they are there to hear what the people say but the people shoose not to be heard. true the people of the goverment take full power over this lackness of interest of the people. but we should have a party in which it would be lead by people that are not biased and that are only there to listen to the poeple, but the chances of that happening are low.

Liberson said...

i agree with what shannon says about the majority always being heard. BUT i have to disagree with the part that she says they dont listen to the minority, simply becus they need to make their own noice to be heard start making interest groups or just get involbed with what goes on in their community. but it could be true that they did get involbed but weren't heard. in that case it could be true that "majority rules and minority rights" is not really an effective proccess and that is not taken into thought by superior members of the national and state goverments.

Shannon said...

I agree with Casya, many people do just go along with the majority and they really are not thinking for themselves. The minority have their opinions but they're not being heard. I also agree with her on the fact that more people need to vote so their ideas can be heard. If we do that than maybe the majority may not always have all of the power.

J_Daugherty19 said...

I agree with Claire's first statement, and would like to say that our democracy has gone more of a lets accomplish something good, to lets beat the other party. Like she said, if a party wins, then they feel they have the right mto do whatever they wanted, without any consent from the minority party, and the is to be considered majority tyranny, which is the worst form of tyranny according to James Madison. My final thought on all of this would be, is that compromise is not happening in are government, which is what are democracy was founded on.

NotDJCarper said...

I agree with Claire also because when a party first win they try to move there ideas for there constiuents. But they forget about the minority party all together. If they would give up some things and try to use some of there ideas with there ideas we could come together as a nation again.

Rosa Parks said...

I disagree with james because he is overexaggerating what is going on on our politics. It is true that in some situiations the majority party is abusing its power but overall id have to say they are doing what right. They won the majorty so they should do what the want while keeping in mind the minority and the ability to comprimise. It seems to me that the minority is the ones holding back politics. Most of what they are doing is filibustering which is preventing anything from getting done.

APinkAmerica said...

I agree with you Coach B. We definatly need to focus more on "Majority rules, minority rights." Each party, Democrats and Republicans, has embodied somekind of tyranny in some way. Though they each try to point fingers at each other. Another thing, about the Wake County School Board issue, some people think that the NAACP should be ignored because "they are overreacting". Well according to our all so special American Democracy. Overreacting or not they have the right to be heard, right? Though racial segregation is not what the Wake County School Board is going for, do we really want to be represented as having segregated schools? Who knows maybe Majority rules, but minority is right?

APinkAmerica said...

I agree with Shannon. This is why some people don't know what they're talking about. They like to listen to what others say. And Sadly, alot of American people do that. Some are to lazy to get proper facts for themselves and follow the majority. Not all Americans are ment to be leaders, I suppose, and think for ourselves.We prefer to shut the minority down and become power hungry because at the momment it seems right. But when it comes down to it or when it effects your life really hard we tend to see that the minority should've been heard.

Claire said...

To Anonymous -- I hadn't really been watching the health bill for the past week or so but I saw it on the news this morning. Well, it's passed now, whether for better or worse, and we'll see how things go. If it turns out to be a major waste and destroys companies then they'll get rid of it. Also, the companies aren't about only profit, and just denying people health care, there are hundreds of thousands of people that work for the companies that will be laid off when they close down and that will be horrible for the economy..

Anonymous said...

To Claire,
You are right, jobs can be impacted--however you are wrong about corporations--the primary reason for their existence is to make money; profit is their motive. Profit leads to greed and higher rates/reduced coverage for poicy holders. That was the major reason for health care reform--corporations denying coverage for people with pre-existing conditions--particularly children. This bill may not fix the problem, but you are being naive in regards of your defense of insurance companies.