Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our last conversation

Please read the article linked below and consider these questions 1. Are all citizens given "equal protection under the law" as guaranteed by the US Constitution? 2. Is the War on Women different from the Mommy Wars? 3. If you are a woman, what do you see as your role in the world today? If you are a male, what do you think is the proper role women should play in our society? Be thoughtful and enjoy this our LAST CONVERSATION. Article link:


ladnahpa said...

Today, I feel like the role of women varies. Some moms would like to just stay at home and watch after their children or cook and clean. Other women (mothers) would like to go out and find a job that pays well and bring an income home to their families.especially if they are a single mother. Today i see the role of women being a good mother, a strong provider and helping a husband financially whether it be a significant amount or just a little bit. With the economy the way it is, its hard to bring in one jobs salary and thats it.

CiCi said...

I definitely believe the government should be doing more to protect not only women, but all people. Equal pay rights, as well covering different medical procedures, are things that affect all people not just women. I think the media and some prominent people in politics are sensationalizing everything that is happening to make it seem like all male politicians are trying to keep women in the kitchen having kids.

julio said...

as a male think that mane amd women need to have the role in societ.

ladnahpa said...

But i do not believe that all citizens are giving "equal protection under the law." Because some people dont have as many opportunities as others to just go out and find a job.If you are a single parent, being able to go out and work and not have any one to look after your child while you are gone is not easy and in fact, its almost impossible.But then again, you are protected fairly enough to do some things to a certain extent.But i feel like some citizens have more protection under the law than others.based on race,ethnicity,religion,sex,marrital status, basically anything.

The Cheshire Cat said...

1.) Obviously, not all citizens are not given equal protection under the law. EX.) Amendment 1. etc. etc...
2.) I think the war on feminism is still alive and well underneath all of the advances that women have been able to make over the years. I believe there will always be a disagreement between mothers on the proper way to BE a mother. Parenting is just that, up to the individual parents. I think women should be able to do what they want in their life, just as every American citizen should have the right to the pursuit of happiness.

Thomas L said...

Women should be doing what ever helps the family, if you stay home or if you work, and also not everyone is treated fairly, that is clear from reading honky and blood done sign my name

Precipitation said...

I do not believe ALL citizens are given equal protection under the law. I believe a lot of people are not under this equal protection and our government and society needs to do a better job of realizing that and enforcing it. As a male, i believe that women should play the same role as men in society. Yeah, most women are the ones that stay at home and take care of the children but that doesnt mean men cant either. But maybe women are better at it. I dont think women HAVE to be the ones that stay at home,but they may do a better job at it. It really just depends on the people in that family.

jasmine said...

i think women should do what they feel is right for themselves and/or others. i think it is ultimately up to the woman to decide what role they should play in society. noone has the right to tell women what they "should" be doing in life or in society.

??????? said...

The proper role of women in society is clear. Do whatever you decide to pursue, just like every other human being. I do not see what we are argueing about. The so called "Mommy Wars" seems completely trivial and unnecessary. Some women are mothers and work and some women are just mothers... Thats just the way it is. The only problem i see is people trying to create controversy over things that don't require a set law or unanimous opinion.

Brian Wilson said...

My only concern with mothers is the responsibility of the well-being and nourishment of their child. Any decisions that do not directly affect the health of the child is entirely their personal choice.

jasmine said...

i think my role in the world today is to get a higher education and maintain a job to provide for myself and future family.

XClassof2012 said...

For number three,
As a unmarried women, I think girls should be educated, have a job and be independent.
Married women with kids should do the same, but past the same idea down to their kids about independence and education. Of course they should also be nuturing and caring.

As far as the breast feeding vs bottle thing...It really doesn't matter. Every mother is different, but I think it's awkward to breast for a 3 year old child. He can use a cup xD!

??????? said...

I do not think there is discrimination of women under the law. Some women do have to work harder but its not due to discrimination. If the discrimaniton is between a man and a woman thats completely different but if we are talking about exclusively from female to female I do not think there is discrimination based on what kind of mother you are.

irma said...

3. today, i think that the role as a women has changed. For me, i see women being more Independent and self- reliance. they dont need a male to provide for them. many have successfull careers. women have the choice to do what they want. some choose to be mothers and house wife. which is nothing wrong with that, and i feel like people shouldnt be judgmental about stay at home moms

Julian M said...

i think that women deserve to have equal pay and equal job oppourtunities. i think that women should also be given the chance to take care of their kid(s) if its really necessary.

Sleeping Beauty said...

Yes the War on Women is different than the Mommy Wars. The War on Women is the discrimination of all women, while the Mommy Wars is a petty dispute among women. There truly is not one right way to raise children; every child and mother relationship is different. Being a mother is a challenging job and critiques should only be helpful rather than judgmental. Women need to be supportive of each other in order to fight against the War on Women. As a woman, I view my role in the world to be one of a nurturer. I am a very caring person and I truly enjoy assisting others in need. That is the motivation for my future career path. I also know that I personally desire to be a faithful wife and a dedicated mother. I know that someday I will put my family first. That does not mean I am a submissive woman, but a supportive woman.

CiCi said...

I think in a way the "Mommy Wars" are a series of smaller battles that all focus on what a woman should do as a mom. The Mommy Wars are about what people believe is the best way to raise a child, which in reality is up to the mother, as long as the child is safe and taken care of. The "War on Women" is centered on the rights of all women, which is something that can be addressed.

julio said...

i think my role in this societ today is to get a higher education.
but if you what to stay home and make a family that is your right.

Regis Philbin said...

I really don't think that women have that many disadvantages under the law today. How does the law discriminate against breastfeeding mothers? I can understand that many people do, but people are going to discriminate against other people for random reasons no matter what. As a man, I think that a woman's role in society is whatever she wants it to be, just like any man. I think that if a woman wants to go work, great. If she wants to stay home and take care of her kids, awesome. I don't see how there is such a big fuss over this when it seems to be so black and white.

aubrie said...

I think that not all citizens are equal in society but that society tries very hard to make everyone equal- though this is a very hard task to accomplish. I think that America as a society has made a lot of improvement on making everyone equal but i also agree that there is a long way to go and the answers to this are not always clear.

Brian Wilson said...

The outcomes and circumstances that involve education and motherhood are instances that are made on personal choice. I feel as though many woman today live in comparison to others and this causes them to point fingers. The fingers are usually pointed at either the government or the being they view has it 'better' than them. You cannot blame another being for situations that you have control over. The chances are there, you have to act upon them in a way that will benefit you most.

Irene said...

As a woman, I see my role in society as the same as anyone else's, man or woman: get a job to support myself, and make something good of my life. If I have kids, okay. If I want to stay home with them, that's fine. If my husband is the one who takes care of the kids, it makes no difference. We should just do whatever we think is best for ourselves, our kids, and society. I don't think we should worry about "roles"; let's all just be people.

Elise Day said...

I think that women should not be defined by other women and that women should respect other women in there search for identity. It is like the African Americans who inhibet other African Americans as they search for fair treatment. Why should women fight among themselves?

Irene said...

Are there certain advantages in our society to being female? I'm thinking specifically about the military: women don't have to sign up for the draft, which I'm really glad of, but technically that's not fair. Do any of you see other advantages to womanhood? Are we even willing to give up these advantages for "equality"?

Sleeping Beauty said...

I will argue that I do find it upsetting that the health coverage for women is minimal and does not include contraceptives.

CiCi said...

WARNING! CONTROVERSIAL MATERIAL As a young Christian woman I believe that women do and should have the basic rights. At the same time I believe that certain things aren't just about your rights. I don't think abortion is right, but I don't think some invasive exam to prevent it is right either. I believe a married woman should be submissive to her husband, but I also believe a woman should be respected and have a voice. If a woman wants to stay home and have kids, great. If she wants to have a job, more power to her. But in the end it's her decision. This is all influenced by my religious beliefs, but of course if you believe that the Constitution takes precedence over the Bible you may totally disagree with me, which is fine.

ColemanS said...

@ladnahpa: I agree with your first comment! Some people are not able to find jobs and have someone look after their child or children while they are at work. And to find a daycare is more work and can be very expensive.

Irene said...


I agree with everything you just said except that women should be submissive to their husbands. If women submit, that should only be if it's a two-way street and the husbands also submit to their wives. There has to be an equal relationship so neither one is placed higher than the other. Other than that, I agree totally; women should be able to make their own decisions.

Kelly Ripa said...

I think my view comes down to that I really just don't believe that women have it much harder in the workplace. I think just about any oppression would be subconscious and I think that the only solution to that is time. To be honest I dont even believe women are equal to mean, or at best they are going through a strange transition period in the world. As to the breastfeeding thing i think its totally ridiculous I don't believe it has anything to do with empathy and I think its ironic that there is a war started over empathy and peace. Its hard to even argue against it because its so blatantly ridiculous.

Iron Man said...

Irene - Is is right for women to not have to sign up for the draft, and is it right for women to serve on the front lines? Personally I feel strong reservations about women engaging in combat. While women have been proven to be better shots than men and are better at many elements of warfighting than the standard male soldier, it goes against my nature to have women fighting against men. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I would find it extremely difficult to shoot a woman or to kill a woman in hand-to-hand combat. Men naturally have (on average) greater physical strength, which could contribute to the male protective instinct. I do not think women should have to sign up for a combat draft, though it could be fair for them to be drafted into non-combat military roles.

Allie said...


I definitely see how not having to sign up for the draft is an advantage for women and I think it's unfair also. While I agree with Aaron that it would feel "wrong" to fight a woman in hand-to-hand combat and things like that, I do think we have a privilege that we shouldn't have. If we all want equality under the law for everyone, we shouldn't have special treatments due to our gender. In addition to this, I feel like mothers who have to stay home to take care of their children should have some sort of aid. Many women cannot work because they have to take care ofchildren which is a 24/7 job. Maybe instead of having a special privilege in the military, mothers should get something extra. It's a hard topic to have a clear opinion about because I think everyone should be treated as equals, but mothers do seem to get the short end of the stick sometimes.

Destinee Burnette said...

I believe that all citizens do not have equal protection under the U.S. Constitution. I say this becasue if a crime was too happen a woman would not get the same punishment as a male would. Yes the war on women is different from the mommy wars because the mommy wars shows that the mother is working and caring for her child that she does have. In war on women that mother has never worked before and she still does what she can for her five children. Me as a woman i see my role as any man would see a woman's role. Somewhere in the kitchen because that's all i have been doing for the past eight years. Woman have a bigger role in society to play other than being that woman that belongs in a kitchen. But some women today just don't know the role that fits them.